Creation-E Meditation Podcast

The Creation-E Meditation podcast are discussions about your soul's evolutionary path to creative mastery consciousness. They are thematic series of 6-8 meditations that focus on a particular topic/theme. Each episode has an intuitive "channeled" message...more

Hosted by


The Creation-E Meditation podcast are discussions about your soul's evolutionary path to creative mastery consciousness. They are thematic series of 6-8 meditations that focus on a particular topic/theme. Each episode has an intuitive "channeled" message on a particular topic around the evolution of your soul into creator consciousness followed by a guided meditation.
Within these episodes we dive deeper into what it means to live and create with purpose.

May the vibration of each message serve you as they are meant to!

Meet our Hosts



I am Kim, a passionate self-taught artist, mentor, healer and soul alchemist here to assist other souls on their journey to becoming co-creators who raise the frequency of the planet through their creations. I have dedicated myself to developing programs, courses and artwork that serve to guide individuals on their own Path of Co-Creative Mastery through Spiritual Alchemy. Whether you are new to your path of purpose or you are a well seasoned soul this space offers you an opportunity to expand deeper into divine love, compassion and wisdom.